With RT&Co. SPI’s Systematic & Creative Thinking Framework which is centered on the operational aspects of day-to-day thinking, you can manage situations in a rapid, robust and confident manner, and in a way that supports the strategic priorities of the organization. It moves beyond the activity orientation of other problem-solving & decision-making programs. It offers a truly holistic framework for managing situations. There is an essential but subtle difference.
Systematic and Creative
Thinking Processes
If your frontline managers and supervisors are consistently “fire-fighting” and rushing jobs on a daily basis with their teams, you can help them be more effective by equipping them with Systematic and Creative Thinking Skills. The need to think is the basic unit of work.
The essence of day-to-day management is the effective resolution of situations, of which decision-making and problem-solving skills form only a part. For example, hundreds of decisions, large and small, are made by people throughout your organisation every day. Many are “good” decisions – they support your company’s strategy effectively. Yet many do not take into account your strategic direction, fail to consider all available information, are not reflective of the trends facing your industry, or overlook downstream implications.
Activity View
("Do things right")
Anticipate likely problems in hiring a new headcount
Set SMART Objectives
Organise an "away day" for unhappy sales people
Manage and/or delegate known tasks & issues
Holistic View
("Do the right things right")
Question whether there's a need to hire in the first place
Ensure those objectives also support strategic priorities and reprioritize for relevance if necessary
Creatively restructure a fundamentally flawed compensation scheme
Identify new, perhaps more important issues, from awareness of the Future Operating Environment and strategic direction
Our Framework provides your people with a set of common processes, complete with underlying tools and language. It enables them to rapidly and objectively channel and evaluate relevant information, in order to initiate decision actions that resolve situations for good, first time and every time.
This highly interactive program combines, facilitated learning, critical thinking processes, case studies, tool sets and application to work situations.