RT&Co. SPI Executive Overview Sessions (EOS)

Executive Overview Sessions (EOS) 
Strategic Leadership and Organizational Resilience Amidst Global Disruptions 

From the worldwide pandemic to increasing geopolitical tensions, rapid technological  advancements, and intensifying effects of climate change, global disruptions are only going to  get more complex, uncertain, and diverse.  
This challenges leadership teams to employ a deliberate, holistic, and collaborative system of  enhancing organization’s resilience and its people’s capabilities to face evolving global  disruptions. Playing safe in the now D-VUCAD world can be the riskiest decision of all. Traditional  number crunching in strategic planning sessions are long obsolete. Instead, it is necessary to  pursue a strategic view of the external operating environment and effectively navigate through  both threats and opportunities in the future business area.  
Leaders must focus on these three key aspects that are critical to the success and resilience of organizations: Strategy, Innovation, and People.  
Join us in our upcoming Executive Overview Sessions (EOS) on our Pure & Simple Critical  Thinking Processes and learn how these can equip your organization with the essential systems,  processes, and capabilities to outperform the competition and achieve sustainable business  growth. 


Program Date Time Channel
Strategic Thinking April 28, 2025 10:00 am to 11:30 am Zoom
Strategic Product & Service Innovation May 26, 2025 10:00 am to 11:30 am Zoom
Systematic & Creative Thinking March 17, 2025 10:00 am to 11:30 am Zoom
7Fs Program To Be Announced Soon Zoom


Strategic Thinking

Strategic Supremacy Amidst Uncertainties:
Leveraging on your Company’s Driving Force for Sustainable Business Growth

Organizational resilience in a highly complex, diverse, and disruptive environment goes  beyond the ability to manage risks and bounce back better. More significantly, it deals with the  ability of leadership teams to gain a clear understanding of its future strategic profile and a  holistic view of its strategic position in a highly interconnected global environment.  

Our Strategic Thinking Process enables leaders to:

  • Leverage on the unique Driving Force which will serve as the “North Star” of the  organization.
  • Build the right strategic capabilities that support the strategic goals of the  organization.
  • Effectively allocate resources based on the company’s strategic profile.
  • Select the right opportunities that are aligned with the organization’s goals.
  • Increase the collaboration, consensus, and synchronization among leadership and  implementing teams.
  • Institutionalize systems and processes that will withstand uncertainties and  facilitate business continuity.
  • Prepare at least two generations of new leaders to succeed the future strategy. 

Join our Executive Overview Session (EOS) on Strategic Thinking: Leveraging on your  unique Driving Force to achieve Sustainable Business Growth

In this 1 ½ hour Executive Overview Session, participants will learn:

  • The basics of our tried, proven, and tested Strategic Thinking Framework.
  • How to define and describe the “Industry Sandbox”. 
  • The concept of Driving Force. 

EOS – Strategic Thinking

April 28, 2025

10:00 am to 11:30 am

Channel: Zoom

Speaker: Mr. Ho Sun Yee (Managing Director, RT&Co. SPI)

Other inquiries

E-mail: info@rtcospi.com


Strategic Product and Service Innovation

Innovate to Stay Ahead of the Competition:
Capturing New Opportunities for Greater Growth

In the now D-VUCAD World, innovation must not only be an extension in company  operations. Instead, it must be a part of the organization’s DNA. Hence, innovation is more than  just acquiring new technologies and a few software upgrades. Approaching innovation as purely  technological add-ons is often short-lived due to misalignment in organizational culture.  
Leaders must design a strategy that embraces innovation as a culture and life-long  learning as a crucial part of its business model. This allows organizations not to simply be reactive  towards technology but empowers them to shape or take advantage of it based on the  organization’s unique strategic profile, strategic capabilities, and innovation culture. 

Our Strategic Product and Service Innovation Process supports organizations to:

  • Institutionalize a culture of innovation and continuous learning.
  • Debunk innovation myths and limiting mindsets.
  • Establish a systematic and repeatable process of generating new pipeline of new to-the-market products and services.
  • Increase the understanding and focus of teams on future implicit needs of  customers and stakeholders.
  • Build the discipline of future trends analysis as a constant part of innovation.

Join our Executive Overview Session (EOS) on Strategic Product & Service Innovation: Developing a Strong Culture of Innovation to Outperform the Competition.

In this 1 ½ hour Executive Overview Session, participants will learn:

  • The basics of our tried, proven, and tested Strategic Product & Service Innovation Framework.
  • How to identify customers’ or stakeholders’ Future Implicit Needs.
  • The concept of Risk-Reward Ratio.

EOS – Strategic Product & Service Innovation

May 26, 2025

10:00 am to 11:30 am

Channel: Zoom

Speaker: Mr. Ho Sun Yee (Managing Director, RT&Co. SPI)

Other inquiries

E-mail: info@rtcospi.com


Systematic and Creative Thinking

Essential Skills of the Future Workforce: Increasing Business Competitiveness through Effective Problem Solving and Decision-Making Skills

Majority, if not all of issues in supply chain, IT, customer support and overall operations,  are first experienced on the ground. During these critical moments, the ability of frontline staff  to properly diagnose the issue and the middle management’s effectiveness to evaluate the  situation and provide good recommendations to the top management will determine the  company’s success rate.  
Agile organizations are those with effective problem solvers and decision makers not only  at the executive management, but across all levels of the organization. Employees are prepared  to respond to any situations in a confident, quick, and systematic manner. This is where our  framework comes in. 

Our Systematic & Creative Thinking Process helps organizations to:

  • Establish a common business language in dealing with day-to-day business  situations. 
  • Reduce time spent on fire fighting and multiple output corrections.  
  • Empower employees to think critically and resolve issues effectively as they arise.
  • Enable employees to provide proper recommendations to support leadership  decisions.  
  • Equip employees with the tools and skills to approach problems and decision  points in a holistic manner that aligns with the strategic goals of the organization. 

Join our Executive Overview Session (EOS) on Systematic & Creative Thinking: Building  Agile Teams through Effective Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Skills. 

In this 1 ½ hour Executive Overview Session, participants will learn:

  • The basics of our Systematic & Creative Thinking Framework. 
  • The first two steps in Problem and Decision Analysis.
  • How to craft a Decision Analysis Selection Criteria.

EOS – Systematic & Creative Thinking

March 17, 2025

10:00 am to 11:30 am

Channel: Zoom

Speaker: Ms. Steffi Allison Villa (Assistant Director, RT&Co. SPI)

Other inquiries

E-mail: info@rtcospi.com


7Fs Program

Engaging and Retaining Key Talents:
Cultivating Work-Life Alignment in the Workplace for Better Results

Quiet quitting takes place when employees are no longer engaged in producing exemplary work. Instead, they resort to bare minimum outputs to avoid burnout. This hurts both the company and the employees by achieving only average performance and leaving a lot of untapped potentials.

It is high time for leaders to invest in its people and their well-being. Better productivity and results at work are now seen when employees have more time for their family, friends, hobbies, and other critical growth areas. Recruitment attraction and retention rates are also higher when employees feel that they are supported by their leaders. 

The 7Fs Program offers a holistic framework in cultivating work-life alignment where both employees and companies can benefit from.

Who Should Attend?

Senior Management, Executive Committee, HR Managers, Supervisors, Managers

EOS – 7Fs Program

To be announced soon

Channel: Zoom

Speaker: Dr. Grace Sumbillo (Executive Director, Pamilya Muna Pilipinas)

Registration Fee: Php 1,120.00 per person (inclusive of VAT)

Other inquiries

E-mail: info@rtcospi.com

Strategy Execution

Aligning People, Systems, and Strategy:
How to Effectively Cascade the Strategy in the Organization

Strategy is only as good as its execution. However, this is also where a lot of organizations fail. After months of deliberate and relentless planning, they struggle in achieving objectives, hitting targets, completing progress reports, or getting stakeholder support.

Instead of treating it as completely operational, leaders must change their approach in strategy execution. It must be a total, integrated system of becoming a strategy-aligned organization which includes people, systems, and strategy.

Strategy must be translated into operational terms using performance management tools and support systems. At the same time, people must be equipped and constantly engaged to take ownership of the strategy regardless of their rank or role in the organization.

Is your organization strategy-aligned? Join us in this executive overview session to learn practical tips on how to effectively align and cascade your strategy in the entire organization.

Who Should Attend?

C-Suite, Executive Team, Members of the Management Committee or Board of Directors and

Head of Strategy Management or Planning Office.

*Maximum of five (5) attendees for each company

EOS – Strategy Execution

New schedule to be announced soon.

Channel: Zoom

Guests Speaker: Ms. Steffi Allison Villa (Senior Manager, RT&Co. SPI)

Other inquiries

E-mail: info@rtcospi.com

EOS – Strategic Thinking

EOS – Strategic Product & Service Innovation

EOS – Systematic & Creative Thinking

EOS – 7Fs Program